Hi folks…I saw a video somewhere that said that it’s advisable to add a deep to your hive if you live in a colder climate. As I live in western NY, it gets very cold here and I want to older 4 deeps now that Flow is having it’s June sale. This is the link to the item: https://www.honeyflow.com/shop/flow-supers/brood-box-cedar/p/193. Unfortunately, they are out of stock, so I am not able to order them. Does anyone know when they are expected to be available again and whether Flow will honor the sale price? I’m also going to order another 6-Frame super…I’m glad this one is available, but I really need those deeps.
Thanks in advance for any information you can share with me.
I believe Flow’s 8 frame boxes are a standard size to any 8 frame hive, therefore you would not need to buy them strictly from Flow. You should be able to find other manufacturers that sell deep 8 frame boxes along with the frames. Only issue would be they may not match cosmetically due to type of wood used, but if your hives are painted then this would not matter.
I am sure there are western red cedar manufactures around if you search for them.
I would imagine that Flow is having supply issues, as Bee Thinking have quietly gone out of business, and they used to supply the cedar boxes. I saw a post on this forum a couple of days ago from a member who had purchased from this company, and found the wood to be a very good match:
The price is amazing too, although the cedar may not be the fancy sustainable, environmentally-friendly source that was used for the Flow hives. I haven’t checked that, by the way, I just find the price incredible.
Hi Becky, the sale that is on at the moment is for the Flow Supers only, not the brood boxes.
The Araucaria brood boxes are in stock and will match the Flow Supers.
Flow Super Classic 6 Frame / Hybrid 3 Frame = Langstroth 8 size brood box
Flow Super Classic 7 Frame / Hybrid 4 Frame = Langstroth 10 size brood box https://www.honeyflow.com/shop/flow-supers/brood-box-araucaria/p/249
We don’t have an exact date sorry when the cedar brood boxes will be back in stock - you can click on “notify me” and enter your email address to be notified when they are ready to ship again.
Otherwise if you need brood boxes now, you can stain the Araucaria to match the cedar colour, or paint them to mix up your hives a bit.
There is some more info on the Araucaria here: https://www.honeyflow.com/about-flow/our-timber/araucaria-hoop-pine/p/285
Thanks Faroe - I did end up buying a Flow super during the sale and saw the Araucaria… it’s very nice but am still looking for cedar (I did add my email for notification). Unfortunately, I need 4 of them asap, so I’ll probably just get something off the shelf locally until Flow finds another vendor to make them. Not a big deal, I’m sure the bees won’t care…
No worries
If it’s urgent the best option might be to order from another supplier locally or online as you mentioned.
Unfortunately our cedar brood boxes are taking longer than expected to be available (sigh)
Sigh. I feel the same, even though the pine boxes are real good quality, and invite more ideas of painting in colours and even painting pictures on them.
With the cedar, I just want to tung oil them well, really well, so the timber keeps looking good.
Since pine is more easily available, I think I will just adopt colour. And maybe a bit of art on my boxes, and maybe seeing what bees like in terms of colour around their entrance.
I noticed if I wear a pink tshirt, the bees come check me out.
You can use a varnish with a touch of colour if you like. That’s what I just did on my pine hive. The varnish is water based and is supposed to be waterproof for 4 years…
I have good advice for people who want to use acrylic paint on their boxes. It’s a bit detailed. But you want your pics to last, yes?
I’m afraid the varnish alone won’t make the colours last, but the varnish will last.
Acrylics fit that picture, even approved if you want to apply for organic status. They are water based. Yet, some acrylics will fade in the sun. But if you can use house paints they should be fine. Depends on how arty you want to go.