My brood box is really full of bees. Underneath the frames the bees have about 4" of brood comb on every frame. Is it ok to add another brood box? Thank for your help
I can’t really visualize what you are describing here. A photo would be extremely helpful. I know that they are hard to take, if you are working alone, but you will get much more accurate advice if we can see what you are seeing.
If you mean that the comb has reached down 4" from the top bar of the frame, that is only about half full in a deep Langstroth box. I would not add another brood box. If they are building comb below the bottom of the frame, I am wondering why they have that much space. Sorry for my confusion, but a picture is worth a thousand words!
well those were the frames that came with my hive and yes the brood comb in on the bottom of the frames. I will check tomorrow and take a pic. Thanks for your help Dawn
so this piece of plastic seems like it is glued on I was unable to scrape it off. Maybe this is where the bees are getting into the flow tubes. Also I looked at the frames in the brood box and it looks like two are the larger frames and the other are smaller frames. I did not put them in there. This is how my hive came from Flow Hive.
so I just checked and the person helping me set up the brood box put 4 smaller frames in there. The brood box is very full is it ok to add another one
I would send this Flow frame photo to info@honeyflow.com, preferably with your original order number and ask for their advice. They are very helpful, but it sometimes takes a couple of days because of time zone differences. Also, if you don’t hear within 3 or 4 days, check your spam or junk mail box, because their messages often end up in there.
Your wood frames should be the same depth as the brood box. If you put shorter ones in, it will cause problems. If the brood box has 80% fully drawn comb, 80% full of brood or food and every frame is covered with bees, you can put another box on. Make sure that the frames are the correct depth for the box though
Thanks so much. I emailed them.