Bee feeder which fits underneath roof

Ok, that’s just the bees doing things their way. Sometimes they go a bit haywire with their comb building, but usually it sorts itself out as they re-tailor the comb periodically. Bees don’t always do things the way we think they should. They obviously haven’t read the instruction manual :grin: I wouldn’t worry about it too much at this stage. Just keep an eye on it during inspections in case it gets out of hand.

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I have been making sure to cut off any comb that is not where it should be I believe this is called burr comb, maybe I will talk to Barry (bee movie reference :smile: ) about where he is building his comb.
Thank you,

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does anyone know if this would work,
also how does it work.
Sorry for being such a noob.
thank you,

No rapid round feeders fit under the Flow Hive its something I hope Flow address and increase the hight of the roofs.

If you have a 7 frame Flow hive you can buy a standard Langstroth feeder but if you have a 6 frame flow hive then the US is the only place I can find something suitable.

I use a spare brood box on top of my crown board when feeding as feeding means you shouldn’t have a super on.

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I am not joking i have found the exact same problem, the UK do not sell 8 frame langstroth eke’s and I could only find them in the US.
Thank you,

Easy fix, another empty box on main brood with cover board and feeder inside that way the roof fits.

Easy to make an eke (shim)

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thank you guys for all the support, would this work,
I have seen them advertised but do not know if they work well or not, although i do think they would fit underneath the roof.
Thank you,

Hi Hugo, go up to the reply to you from @EasyE and it will cost you nothing to feed your bees if you have a spare bee box, and most of us have at least one. The bags seem to be a single use only or messy to refill once you have put holes in them. The jars can be reused for years and easy to see how much the bees have taken. Cheers

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thank you peter, will do.
Thank you,