Beginning Flow Hive - Need Help

I am hoping to set up a flow hive this summer but can find no one to walk me through the process. Do I need one brood box or two? Are there less been in a flow hive? Any and all information and guidance will be greatly appreciated.

I’m having trouble figuring out the title of the thread. What does the first word mean? Is it “beginner” spelt wrong? If so, you can use the edit function to correct it.

Your profile says that you have a Langstroth hive. You set up the Flow hive the same as you would set up your Lang hive, except make sure there is a QE below the Flow super. You don’t want the queen laying eggs in the flow frames. I say that because some people don’t use QEs in Lang hives. To my mind, that would be the only difference.

If your flow hive has spirit levels built in, make sure that you position the hive so that the 2 bubbles are centered.

I don’t know how to correct the spelling of Beginning.
Do flow frames have more or fewer bees or the same?

If you click on the pencil that should be visible to you, you can alter the spelling, the same as we can correct spelling by using the pencil at the bottom of out comments. The pencil goes away after about a day or so.

The number of bees is entirely up to the user, however to my mind it would be the same. We need to manage our colonies, so as to avoid swarming, as well as what’s necessary for over wintering in our individual climates.

Welcome to the forum, by the way.

Hello and welcome to the Flow forum! :wink:

I would think that in your region, most beekeepers would use double deep brood boxes. That is what you should do for a Flow hive too. Flow frames have the same number of bees as any traditional hive.