Comb building below a frame

This post on another thread has a photo of how to do it:

If you put the cut comb into empty frames nice and straight, they will fill any gaps around the edge and continue using the comb. Eventually it will look like they had foundation in that frame. :wink: If you have enough comb for several frames, put it into several. I wouldn’t try to block the space in the upper box, just put the bees’ own rubber banded comb in the middle of the box, then put frames of foundation on either side. When they need the space, they will expand out sideways.

I wouldn’t do that until the first box is completely full of pulled comb and bees. If you give them too much space too quickly, they won’t be able to defend it against robbers, wax moths and other pests.


They don’t have to be very large. You don’t want to put multiple adjacent wafers of comb into just one frame. You will be cutting them so that one comb wafer fits in one frame. In the US, people use number 33 (3.5" x 1/8") or 117 (7" x 1/8"). Make sure that you use the natural rubber ones, not sure if bees will chew through the non-latex type!