Hi there,
I’ve been beekeeping about 6 months, in Canberra, I have one classic flow hive, and have found the forum helpful in the past, and hoping for some advice again.
Our summer has been atypical with a lot more rain and storms than usual. Whilst I’m seeing a reasonable amount of pollen going into the hive, and think there is still nectar in our garden, as the bees are very busy on salvias and other flowers we have. However on hive inspection today there is definitely less honey on the brood box frames, than my last inspection 3+ weeks ago.
At the local beekeeping group a number of people said they are feeding their bees as they are not bringing in any food. As the honey stores are less I’m thinking I need to feed my hive. I’ve only done this in spring before I put the super on. Can I just take the plug out of the lid and put the feeder on the lid as I previously did? BTW there is definitely no honey in the super, though a reasonable no. Of bees sealing up the cracks in the cells of the flow frames.
So that is my other question, should I take the super off early or leave to the more typical Canberra removal in about a months time? Will the bees be too crowded in only the brood box? Our days are still warm, mid to high 20’s, but the nights are getting down to under 10o, it was only 2o one night! Any advice / info most appreciated.