Flow tube keeps falling out during harvest

the clearing tab? well it is not working for me. I tried it is one thing after another with each harvest season. This just was enough, too must messing with. Believe me my friend showed her harvest and it was perfect but it was a new model. I am sure it works just fine. Yep extracting is work but for me this is 10 times the effort. The screw end with a hole in the top, not sure about the little tab’s purpose? The screw would prevent the extension from coming out pouring honey all over making a total mess and drouning bees? I truley wish it worked for me I have been a supporter.

Yes I know you have been a supporter, I have followed your progress for the last 7 years.:wink:
The tab on the Flow tube is for cleaning the flow back hole in the frame bottom reservoir, it may also help in securing it in position. I can’t find a pic at the moment perhaps someone else can supply one?
And now you mention it I do have some end caps that fall out without some wax or propolis smeared on the edges.:thinking:

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Here’s a pic from the Flow site showing the clearing tab at the top of the tube. This tab is supposed to fit into a little space in the channel of a Flow frame, and all the (genuine) tubes have the Flow logo on the side that is meant to face up - to ensure you put the tube in the right way.

Flow Frame Caps, Covers and Tube Kit

@NeuManaHui i am sad to hear how hard a time you’ve had with your kits. I haven’t encountered any spills or other issues, but it sure sounds frustrating.


You’ll see in my photo that the logo is on top, which places the clearer tab on the bottom & in position to stop honey from dripping onto the bees during harvest. Maybe with that tab in place, your issue will be solved.

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thank you yes mine is a genuine flow system believe me I will try again when the bees rob out that honey or maybe will just go out today and try again if there is any honey. I did put the tab in .The frustrating part it I have held off on harvesting because it is just a pain in the butt and the honey when I pulled it was dark black molassess. I have never had that dark honey. All I can say is dang but you know I do not want to give up. I will go kicking and screaming. I will see again today.Thanks

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Thank you I am going back to it today with a renewed attitude, I was ready to throw in the trash… With the help of you all I will give it another attempt without the bees and the honey to see what is my issue. I imagine a portion of my problem is user error.


I experienced same as you so what I learned from it is to open up only part of the frame so the honey can back was up the channel and not over flow down into the hive or on your countertop. I open it up in 4ths and that way it does not overflow and makes it’s way into the jar or container.