We’ve noticed an unexpected advantage with the Flow weather guards.
Two days ago, I was smoking the entrance getting prepared for inspection and noticed quite a few beetles running out from up in the corner of the weather guards. Killed about 20 and another 20 or so up under the top cover. So the beetles are very active at the moment here in SEQ.
We’ve noticed the bees are corralling the beetles up under the weather guards so this morning we fired up the smoker and puffed a bit up there. Sure enough, a dozen or so ran out.
This tells us that the weather guards are causing fewer beetles going inside.
Every little bit helps.
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Hi Clint, “every little bit” does help, however at the moment with all this heat & humidity we’re experiencing, we need to put every strategy we can think of in place, in order to reduce the risk of a slime-out. Have you read my 5 point hive beetle strategy in other recent beetle related topics?
Hi Jeff, do you have a direct link to the strategy post. You’re a prolific poster and it isn’t easy to single one out.
Hi Clint, this is the topic I gave my strategy on.
Hive Massacre - Wax Moth or Hive Beetle?
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