From swarm to honey

@JimmiBuscombe G’day Jimmi, I see your based in Melbourne. I’m assuming you are in the 'Burbs?

Have you made contact with your local Bee club yet? If you let us know exactly where you are we can try to put you in contact with your nearest one.

The September swarm would have brought food with it. But you will still need to feed it after a few days as that would have been use up.

It would have been better to build up the brood fist before pushing them to use the Flow supers.

If you have a look at this post I go into more detail:

Basically if you don’t build up the brood nest first the “piece of string” becomes longer.

If the girls are in the super now working they will be slower than if you built up the brood first.

If you add a second Brood box now - remove the flows and not put them back until Feb.

That way you will have more workers bringing in more nectar otherwise they are struggling to feed themselves and the new brood and there will not be much Honey to rob.

Don’t forget you need some honey left for the bees going into winter

Hope that helps :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee:

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