Gap Between Flow Frames and Metal Strip on box

So it turns out this was a bad idea. The stuff I had collected was a variety of propolis and burr comb. So it attracted what seems to be wax moth worms. See EMERGENCY Worms inside Bottom of flow frame.

I removed most of it with my hive tool and torched (VERY QUICKLY) the outside of the flow frames, where they meet the wood of the box. You need to be very careful to not melt the plastic. This is probably terrible advice, so don’t do it. I would not do it again, I just panicked and didn’t know what else to do to kill all the microscopic worms.

Anyways, I did a hive inspection yesterday and all is well. I actually harvested my VERY FIRST frame of honey, from the middle super, the old fashioned way. I am still waiting for my Flow Hive to fill up. They seem to be moving very slowly, from back to front, but there is progress nonetheless. It probably has about 30 pounds of honey in it, just scattered across all 6 frames, all partially completed.