Harvested frame too early?

Hello all, harvested my first frame today. The frame in question was full capped last week. The honey looks like this below:

The honey is quite ‘runny’. Keep in mind it is 32 degrees hot today. It has a bit of a tang. I was wondering if I harvested too early, even though it was all capped.

Thanks for the advice in advance.

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It could be a number of things. Sometimes the bees put sugar water in the flow hive super. Sometimes nectar sources in areas around the world have some unusual trees, plants and flowers that the bees love to store nectar from that are unlike normal honey stores. Sometimes at the end of the season the bees can’t dehydrate the water off of the nectar when weather turns cold hence runny honey. High humidity might be a factor. I’m thinking more information about your area, season, temps would be needed for a better “guestimate” of what’s going on.

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Thanks for the answer!

From northeast Victoria, Australia. Currently in the summer, getting around 30 degrees (90F) most days. We have a lot of flowers and mainly gumtrees. Not very humid, quite dry. Just want to make sure I don’t have a ‘bad batch’.

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It doesn’t look very palatable to me. I’m not experienced enough to render an opinion but when I compare it to my first harvest it looks totally different.
Perhaps you could make Mead if you’re not comfortable putting it on the table as is.

That honey looks fine to me. I’m wondering if there is some jellybush honey present, or if the honey is rapidly crystallizing, mainly because those air bubbles haven’t surfaced, which is reminiscent of jellybush honey in my experience.


If I’m unsure about the proper water to nectar ration that’s acceptable for honey and proper storage I pasteurize it. It cooks off the excess water though kills the beneficial probiotics. It renders it safe for consumption and prevents it from fermenting. I use it for cooking and it tastes good.