Hey guys, just have a few questions regarding the best method and timing for harvesting the honey as after a year my bee’s are finally going berserk and filling up the flow frames like crazy. First of, since the beginning I’ve been under the impression I should let them completely fill the hive with honey before harvesting, is this the usual way to do it or is it better to harvest a few frames at a time? Iv also been told by someone that I shouldn’t harvest all the honey from the flow frames so that they still have some left. From my brood inspections I know there are around 2-3 full frames of honey in the brood box so I was thinking it would be fine to completely empty the flow frames? And finally can it ever be to hot or humid to empty them? It’s 37 degrees Celsius today and 40% humidity, later on in the week a lot of rain is forecast so wondering if any of this is an issue.
I’m quite exited about getting my first harvest but just wanted to make sure I do it right, thanks in advance for any answers.
Hey Sean, I have 6 frame supers on my four Flow Hives and I do a visual check on the frames and I select any three frames that are over 80% capped, the more they are capped the better. I then refit the frames in the hive and extract those the frames the next day. Either early morning or later afternoon but not in the heat of the day, my reason is more about me being comfortable in the heat but bees can get a little angry on a really hot day… There is no need to extract all the frames as the honey won’t go off.
I’m at Coolum Beach near Noosa so a similar climate to you probably.
Thanks for the reply, I’ll probably wait till after this rain event then follow what you said with only emptying 3 frames.
Seems like we are going to get several days of rain, I got over 30ml today without even checking my rain gauge. I like to leave 3 frames in the super which is playing it really safe as stores for the bees.
There is a nectar flow happening now but as to how long it will last is like the old how long is a piece of string question. I prefer to play it on the safe side.
I had an opportunity to open the hive up today and found 5/6 of the frames well over 90-95% with the remaining one being a central frame that I’ve been noticing has been leaking over the past few weeks and filling up the bottom, which had a random empty space in the middle at the bottom of the frame, making it only about 75% full.
Seeing as you said I shouldn’t empty the day I inspect I’ll have to leave it for today and try as soon as the rain stops, looking forward to it.
I would take the leaking frame out and extract it and mix that honey with the rest on the off chance the water content is a little high. Drain the frame in the kitchen and check the wire tension, it might be loose causing the frame to sag so a leak.
I don’t disturb my bees if it is raining or a really hot day and definately not if there is thunder and lightening about - I’ve been there and paid the price.