Harvesting first time

Ive checked my flow frames this morning and excited to see that 4/6 frames are about 85%-90% capped. The 2 outside frames are 60% capped on the inside and no capping yet on the outside in the side viewing frames.

The bees seem to be still working on the last few cells closest to the viewing area at the harvesting end. I can’t yet see honey in the viewing window at the back and wondered if I should wait until I can actually see honey in the back viewing area before harvesting.
Have attached a few photos. Any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks


That frame is a beauty! I would go ahead and harvest in 20% increments, allowing 3-4 hours to get the most out of each frame :wink:

I usually only harvest maximum 2 frames on any particular day, to give the bees clean up time from any hive leaks. Also make sure that you don’t get an airlock in the Flow tube, or you may get a leak back into the hive - hence the opening in 20% increments :blush:

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Hi Marnie, you might be interested in the other topic discussed today “Bees bearding when harvesting”. That frame looks like it could be a candidate for what happened in the first photo I shared, on account of it containing mostly wet caps. I would suggest to look in the tray while harvesting each 20% increment for signs of excess flooding, which can be a challenge for the bees to clean up, resulting in bearding as @JohnT2 discovered.

Thanks @JeffH and @Dawn_SD . I read a few threads before harvesting this afternoon and took your advice to be patient and open in 20% increments. A little spillage at the beginning cause I was that excited I was going too fast ! Slowed it down and harvested 2 frames over a couple of hours. Happy bees and happy first time harvest bee keeper. Thanks for your swift advice.