Harvesting individual frames - taking records

I’ve numbered the frames and begun recording when i take honey from each.

This means if i harvest frequently i know what the bees were collecting off for that exact frame (at least at this time of year when there are only a few nectar sources).

I want to be able to tell people the honey variety when i give it to them. :slight_smile:



Interesting plan. With the flow-frames if n when they fill n cap you should know on bigger nectar flows okay.

Here in Western Washington … We only have one larger wild black berry flow … But there are other flowers at same time so I call mine all mine “Wildflower” thus far. I’m aware some regions do have great destinctive nectar flows but not where I live.

Great idea n wishing you good luck. I do keep good hive records n a calender of the procession of blooming flowers. That does give info at trying to have a larger brood in the hive at those two major flow harvest.

. I do have one full Flow-hive n adding a 7 frame Flow-super to one of my 10 frame Langstroth hive. I’m hoping this full second year to gain a harvest from that Flow-method of harvest too.
