Hive move plus rotation

Hi guys,

Need to move the 2 hives that I have a short distance ~ 4 meters, and rotate 90 degrees.
I figure that if I start with the rotation first, then wait a week and do the 1 meter a day or so?
How does this sound?
Option B is to do the lot in one go and put foliage over the entrance to force a bee reset.



Hi Ralph, I would suggest to do one meter per day, turning as you go, maybe 45 deg. on day2, & the other 45 on day4.

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Hey Ralph,
If you’re in no rush, then step by step is fine.
I’m always short of time, so I move in one step with foliage. I close the entrance in the evening, then move them in the morning. I don’t like moving at night with limited visibility. Set the obstacle course in place, then open the entrance. Works for me every time.


Thanks Mike, that’s what I was thinking, I’ll go Option B