I found no queen, lots of bees with heads in cells (starvation?), I found two what I think are varroa mites on the bees themselves and not much on the bottom board. (First time noticing varroa at all). I saw some perforation of capped cells, which made me wonder about foulbrood, but there was no smell. No honey in any of the hive. I discovered this last weekend , first hive check of the spring, but the bees had been flying a month before. Maybe more recently. This same hive lasted through last winter just fine. I would appreciate the help determining if I can use the frames again, as we are foundationless and it take so long for then to make straight (ish) comb again. Two bees were alive in the hive. The whole cluster was sitting exactly in place, just dead. No mold, no wetness. I think I inspected not long after it happened. I had seen about 20 dead bees two weeks before on the landing board and around the ground in front of the hive and decided they were just cleaning house, but then didn’t see any flight. Attaching images. Any help diagnosing would be appreciated. Thank you!
Curious if those are queen cells? Maybe they were trying to make a new queen? Several candidates in the keyhole opening in the comb on one frame.