I appreciate this is going to be a controversial subject however I would be interested to know if there is anyone using a homeopathic treatment for varroa and if so what is there method.
Many thanks
I appreciate this is going to be a controversial subject however I would be interested to know if there is anyone using a homeopathic treatment for varroa and if so what is there method.
Many thanks
I doubt you find an answer here, but try some natural beekeeping groups on FB. I saw some homeopathic varroa treatment mentioned before. Not sure what the outcome has been.
Guess if it would work, we would all know about it by now.
Thanks for the tip I shall have a look around. Many years ago my daughter had nits from school and they were treated with homeopathic tincture “staphysagria”. Killed them straight away (its making me itch just thinking about it!)
Ive been reading about beekeepers using confectioners sugar too. Would be interested to hear how that is administered etc. I would prefer not to use chemicals you see…
I am afraid that as a traditional kind of doctor, I don’t buy into the homeopathic stuff for non-humans. Placebo works great in humans, not so great everywhere else.
No real evidence that it works. If you look at the hard science, it just doesn’t have enough of an effect. It makes beekeepers feel better though.
Hello Henny,
Are you familiar with Natural Beekeeping methods?
There are quite a few of us Flow users who go “foundationless, I.e. allow the bees to create naturally drawn comb.
We made the choice to go foundationless when we began beekeeping 12 years ago. It’s so nice not to have to fuss around with chemicals or have to deal with varroa mites! We also harvest cut-comb honey, so all the better for good eating.
Check out master Beekeepers Hillary Kearney and Michael Bush for lots more information on the benefits of naturally-drawn comb:
Thankyou. I shall look into this. Its very helpful.
One more thought, should you decide to try powdered sugar. You will need to do it once per week, every week, with nicely sealed (dry) sugar. Here is a very detailed study:
Thanks Dawn. I have seen something about this but your article was very useful.
Dawn !
Powder sugar works great on french toast n waffles too. Oh n in my sugar roll tests ! I keep several seal packages around ! I get interesting fire work results if I toss flour or powdered sugar over a candle too.
Tee Hee,
Nitie nite all … I’d better go to sleep before I upset someone.
Good nite Jim Bob, catch up on some beauty sleep. cheers
I’ve read some interesting stuff on funghi supplements for bees from Paul Stamets
Haven’t read about homeopathics for bees yet, but my personal success with homeopathics has been good
You may be best to ask a homeopath or even a university etc that teaches homeopathy to see if they have any recommendations.
If you are willing to go organic, rather than homeopathic, I have a lot of suggestions for you.
Im quite happy to go organic. My goal is to avoid using chemicals wherever possible. I have read some interesting information regarding an eco floor on a top bar hive that has other bugs that eat varroa mites. Having been homeopathically treated for the last 30 years i also dont have a problem with using their recommendations. I have spoken to a homeopathic pharmacy and they say they sell quite a lot of their product…i will give it a go. Also read with interest the sugar treatment…Phew! My life has been taken over with bees.
It is funny that we devote more and more time to our bees. With a pet dog or cat we at least get them rubbing against our legs and a lick of affection but with bees we prefer them to ignore us… I totally agree with you Henny, but I wouldn’t have it any different, I find my bees interesting as well as relaxing.
If you are willing to consider organic, Oxalic Acid Vaporization (OAV) is one of the best possible methods for controlling Varroa mites. It is a totally organic acid, and is found in quite high concentrations naturally in spinach, rhubarb and many other foods. You will need a method for vaporizing (I have the Varrox heating iron) and a power source (I use a high power 12V jump starter). The standard method is to treat the hive three times, once every 5 days. It is quick and simple, and doesn’t seem to bother the bees at all.
The other choice is Formic Acid, which is produced naturally by bees, ants and wasps. You can treat the hive with commercially available strips called MAQS (Mite Away Quick Strips). Again totally organic. I don’t like MAQS as much as OAV, because they can be hard on the queen (about 10% risk of queen loss), and if the weather gets too hot, a lot of bees can die too. I have never seen that with OAV.
Just some options.
Might be helpful to read this before making any decisions. With any treatment, you will be messing with the bees micro-habitat, which I think of like our gut flora.
Water is hazardous too, in large quantities!
Just have to be sensible in your use. Vaporizing a gram or two is not toxic, unless you insist on inhaling it directly. The way it distributes within the hive, you are not going to get a toxic dose left inside, but in any case, you are not meant to vape with honey supers on the hive.
Hello Henny,
This article by Anita Deeley of Beverly Bees explains the philosophy of treatment-free beekeeping really well