Honey core flux

Hi all.

It’s winter here in Puget Sound region. I live SE of Seattle about 20 plus miles in the lower foothills.

Issue: for about a month now I’ve seen honey on my Flow-hive SBB slider … seem to be healthy cluster of the girls just under my moisture quilt.

Here’s some photos from this morning (09:00) …(low 30’s F)…

Thots: wax moth, frame damage, etc ?? From my top view n checking the SBB I can’t see evidence of cocoon or webbing of moth larva …

Really no panic here at Coalfield as it’s winter n way too cold to dig in. Just looking for a few thots from the Masters :blush:!

Not seeing any such issues on the SSBoards of my other 3 colonies … All hives were treated within last 2 weeks except the flow as there was NO Evidence on the SBB of mite fall. It was treated as well for mites one month ago (OV method).

That’s about it from Jerry’s Coalfield Apiary here in Wintery western Washington.

Cheers n Happy Holidays! :tada:,



My guess would be that they don’t want to leave the cluster to lick it up. If it was my hive, I would put the slider in the upper slot to get the honey in reach for any intrepid girls who wander down into the chilly parts of the hive. :blush:

Could it be a small rodent?

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Thanks for the photos Gerald :slight_smile:

So do you leave the Flow Frames in your Super over winter?

I’m very curious, as we have many people ask what do do about wintering their Flow Hives :slight_smile:

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Up here (Northern Hemisphere) not much point keeping the Flow-super on ! It would be just more uninsulated room my girls wouldn’t have enough bees to warm or use. I removed the flow-super back in September n put in a large plastic bag n stored in a cool place for winter. That way it’s ready for next season 2018 honey flow. The large black bag is sealed so insect can’t get in n damage the wax n smell that girls have already put in the two flow-supers I have (a six n seven frame setup) …

What I have for winter setup is the lower brood, the deep honey super … a two inch spacer where I add n keep winter patties for emergency food so my girls have backup food if they run out of honey in January…
Above the 2” spacer I have installed a 4” high moisture quilt (that has wood chips to obsorb condensate) … the quilt has 3 screened holes to help dissipate excess wetness. Then the peaked roof n inner cover are topping it all.

That basicly is my winter setup,


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Dan n Dawn,

Some good thots n ideas … the hive is up in the air but little critters can get very tricky n acrobatic ! Ill put my mouse guard back in position … just in case … didn’t see any evidence on the SBB of droppings or other stuff.

Dawn … i always keep the core slider up in the upper position up here in Puget Sound … So the girls should be able (maybe) to get to the dripped liquid gold.

Thanks for the ideas n thots … been scratching my head on just what here … always nice to spread the problem to others. We sometimes get blinders on n can’t see outside the “Proverbial BOX” :blush:.

Cheers n thanks,



I notice you have pollen patties on @Gerald_Nickel
Maybe not such a good idea in winter. It might get them brooding too early but more importantly the bees eating the protein produce a lot of waste and can’t get out to poo. Which is why bees kept in by long winters do better on sugar than honey. When is your first significant pollen source? ( here it’s Willow in March) if you want to build up your colony quicker in the Spring put that pollen patty on a month before as the weather warms up. Just a thought.

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Thanks for that :slight_smile: Just wanted to double check.

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Hello Faroe,
We do not leave our the Flow super (hybrid) on over the winter; we’ve harvested the deeps and emptied the Flow frames, which are now wrapped in plastic and in our cool and dry basement. We won’t put it back on until the bees are going strong next spring, hopefully end of May here in Seattle.



Thankz for the note on the patties … these are not pollen type patties (contain no pollen) … i read you loud n clean n totally agree with the idea n thots.

Appreciate the note my dear friend. Kind me in line :blush:… kick n keep me awake … I’ve got a leather butt n take correcting ever well. This time I’m not guilty :blush::sunglasses::+1:… here’s the winter patties label. I do have pollen patties in the freezer but wait to use in the late winter or early Spring. Still a good read here for others n new bees. Thankz !

Happy Holidays !


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Our willow will hit late January or first of February here in Eastern Foothills of the Cascades.

Here we have early n later blooming willow but plenty of hazelnuts early … last half of February n into March … things get popping pollen wise. Osoberry/or Indian plum is our only first nectar/pollen combo locally…

If you can read my crappy writing. This is last years calendar entires.

imageimage Outside pics I took this morning (our Thursday).

Cheers n happy :smiley: trails,


Good luck reading the upside-down ones @Dee :wink:

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I think Jerry (@Gerald_Nickel) is working on his Australian citizenship! :smile: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl:


Hmmmmmmmmm… Dawn Dawn Dawn

Or even the right way up :wink:


Dawn n Dee,

Hope my Aussie is better than my crappy Vietnamese. But I keep trying. Got a couple close Vn friends in Melbourne… if they can learn Aussie there’s hope for me !

Cheers :wine_glass:,