In this live, Cedar explains how to ensure that your Flow Hive is at the correct slope for harvesting honey.
Timeline highlights this live are:
00:00 - Checking if it’s ready to harvest
02:48 - Setting your levels
05:16 - Pest tray - small hive beetles
07:44 - Attaching shelf brackets
10:04 - Harvesting honey
13:05 - Oil in pest tray
19:30 - Neighbours & swarming
24:47 - Finding gentle bees & winter
30:33 - Super tips & queen excluder
34:10 - Aggressive swarm
36:33 - Candied honey
39:12 - Queen cells & finishing harvest
44:52 - Leftover honey in the hive
You can view the live’s full transcript HERE.
How is your harvest season in the southern hemisphere going so far? Let us know if this live was helpful, or even if it brings up further questions!