How long before a new hive produces honey?

Hi everyone, we got our first hive in late November. We got a nuc that was growing really fast, the beekeeper added an extra frame (ie 6 frame nuc) because they were breeding so heavily. We moved them in, they have built comb on all the frames and the super is on and crammed with bees, but we can’t see any honey in the super as yet (through the windows that is) - we’re on acreage and have about half an acre of flowers, native flowers along the creek and roads etc so food isn’t a problem. Just wondering what kind of time frame is normal from start to honey production over summer? I’m just concerned that maybe we’re doing something wrong!


It’s almost like the piece of string question. If your super is crammed with bees, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to expect a super full of honey inside a month, provided there is a good honey flow on. If you belong to a local bee group, it would be good to ask others in your area what’s happening with their bees.


this is a question for your local beekeepers. Every area is different, every colony is different- and every season is different. What may be true for me will not be true for you. Also- seeing flowers around is no guarantee that there is enough nectar available for the bees to produce a surplus. Areas that seem perfect for bees can be far from perfect. Looks can be deceiving. The bees eat their honey/nectar all the time- and sometimes they eat it as fast as they collect it (or faster!). Some flowers may have very little nectar in them. Local beekeepers with experience will know when the best flows happen- and how much honey per hive might be expected in a season.

Rural areas may seem like the best places for bees- but many times bees in the middle of cities are more productive. In cities there is more diversity of plants, more irrigation, and possibly more sheltered environs for bees.