Hi I’m new to this and looking to maybe buy a flow hive. my question is how would I go about getting Honey bees to move in the the new flow hive to get started. Is there links to this I can read?
I too am brand new to keeping bees, I just received a flow hive today for my birthday and will be assemble it in the coming day. So as FrankBarberie asked “how do I get bees to my hive”?
There is generally 3 ways to get bees.
Buy a nuc (nucleus) a 5 frame hive with a mated Queen, brood and honey,pollen frames.
You can buy with or with out the box -
Buy a package which is a box with Bees including the mated queen.
These don’t have frames and you need to feed them until they are settled. -
A bait hive. It’s best during swarm season (spring)
This is not always successful.
My suggestion is to contact a local club or bee keeper and ask if they have a Nuc to sell.
That’s what I did.
I got a great colony from @JeffH snd have never looked back
@Dazs_life: You first one
1 1. Buy a nuc (nucleus) a 5 frame hive with a mated Queen, brood and honey,pollen frames.
You can buy with or with out the box
Question …But where do you have any web links??
Same Question for #2 Where?
Thank you.
Join a local bee club (Google knows about them near you) and more often than not, somebody would be delighted to provide you with/sell you a nucleus. Otherwise this company ships packages of good quality bees:
I wouldn’t recommend a package for a beginner though. They sometimes don’t ship well, especially in warmer climates, and they are much slower to start off than a nucleus.
Hi @FrankBarberie im in Brisbane Australia so would have to google your area.
I find that as @Dawn_SD said, Look for local Clubs they are a great source of help .
Thank you I undestand, didnt know you were in Australia. Good day
Thank you @Dawn_SD
@FrankBarberie thats ok. if you click on our avatars, it will give you our basic info.