I’m now a bee keeper (stung)

I’m now a bee keeper I was stung on the thumb for Christmas. My fault I wasn’t as careful as I normally am, I was sort of rushing and I didn’t have gloves on. Lesson learnt…. For now :upside_down_face:


Hi Linda, congratulations on your first sting. Also Merry Christmas. It’s a shame that they don’t award badges for first stings, like they do for first emoji, first share etc.


Thank you and merry Christmas to you too.
They probably don’t do badges because everyone would want one. :joy:

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Hi Novi and welcome to this elite club of Stung Beekeepers. No badges because there wouldn’t be enough badges to go around.
OK, maybe not so elite. Elite would be anyone who has kept bees for a time without being stung.

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That would be exceptional wouldn’t it. :rofl::rofl:

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You have already accumulated 8 badges. You got one for simply editing a post. They show up on our profiles. Click on “badges”.

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