I have always wanted to get a hive, but I have never had a place to keep them being a renter. I now have access to 50Acres to put some hives on mainly to provide pollination to an orchard that my good mate owns.
He has told me that he will pay for the hives and boxes as long as I look after the bees as he knows Jack bleep (his words). I keep all honey produced.
I have no beekeeping gear at all, I found some secondhand hives for sale, brood boxes and supers, though no frames.
After thinking about it and talking to him we decided to price up some new gear, thinking about 6 brood boxes and then 2 supers for each brood box. all filled with full depth frames and foundation. I would ideally like to use foundationless for the supers at least due to the lack of separation gear and I love comb honey lol. But I have been warned against that due to the current tough conditions.
After pricing up 18 boxes, 6 lids and bases, 200 frames and other associated gear I asked about getting them assembled and painted but I don’t think the cost is worth it, not when i don’t need them all right this minute I can build them slowly. Also thinking maybe to cut costs that getting 6 supers at first will be enough given the hard conditions.
The next big issue is finding some bees, if anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them, I am keen on setting up some swarm traps but I dont like my chances untill after next winter?
Please feel free to pick my plan apart as I am new to this and would prefer to change plans now than later.
Thanks Skeg’s, Jeff is 18 K’s away and a good mate. So Jeff is into selling nucs where I do complete hives. So neither of us is treading on each others toes.
There is some things about getting the best from a Flow Hive that are well covered on the forum.
You can just buy the Flow Hive Super and a box of the Super Frames and it will fit perfectly to a Langstroth brood box and base and a migratory roof suits me at my apiary. The only real difference is how you take the honey from the hive.
With my climate I am working my way thru my hives fitting roof vents which reduces bearding. I was told the bees would block the vents but after two years they are still clear so they must like the extra ventilation.
Hi Brett, I can see you with a flow super or six. I think junior would love to watch you harvest honey from the back of a hive. I guess it depends on how deep the property owner’s pockets are.
PS. seriously crush & strain doesn’t have to be “crash & burn”. If you can handle a decapping bin, you can do crush & strain. I crush & strain into my decapping bin.
Everything to do with traditional honey harvesting is messy the first time around. It gets less messy & less time consuming the more times we do it, until we get it down to a fine art.
PPS, Hi again Brett, Wilma asked me to find the video where we used foundationless frames for honey as well as crushing & straining it. Take a look at the 7 minute mark, I show a fully capped frame of foundationless comb.