I think my hive is about to swarm or did already. NEED HELP! (QUEEN BEE PIPING w/ VIDEO)

If you split, I would wait before treating. Maybe 2 or 3 weeks. If you don’t split I would treat right away. Apivar is a good choice if you haven’t used it before, and you are not going to super the hive for 6 weeks.

Yes, per the articles I posted earlier.

It might, I would not treat a split until 3 weeks after the split. You don’t want them to abscond etc.

Common perception, but completely wrong. By the time you see them, they are running riot. I really like using something that isn’t approved yet, but works very well and is “organic” in concept:

Hope that helps! You are asking great questions, so keep it up if you need more info! :blush: