Is galvanized screen okay?

Top of the morning to all from central Florida, USA!
I’ve split my first hive twice now and want to build (2) eight frame Langstroth boxes to replace the ten frame box and double stack them. And I want to build a screened bottom board (open mesh) to put them on.
Q: Is it okay to use galvanized #8, 1/8 inch instead of stainless steel mesh? I haven’t been able to find any stainless.
Thanks in advance.

I’ve never seen any stainless. I think I would like it… but I’ve only seen galvanized.

Wow !

Stainless wire screen would be nice but galvanized is all I’ve seen … Guessing stainless might be a bit more PRICY ! :grinning:


Thanks, that’s kinda what I thought. But all Ive heard about at beekeepers club is stainless. Didn’t seem like the bees would know one from the other. After all, they’re not going to be licking it I hope.
Happy Beekeeping,