Just joined today

Good Afternoon everyone,

The name is Jeff. Currently living at my elderly father’s place in order to take care of him.

I’ve been interested in beekeeping for quite some time now but have FINALLY pulled the trigger on raising bees.

Problem I see with my location (which is North Central New Mexico in a small village names Los Ojos, NM, which is about 30 miles south of theCO-NM state line) is that I’m up in the high desert which is very arid. Pics posted to show the geography.

The only good thing that I can think of is that my property has the Chama River running thru the property. The land directly next to the river is green with growth such as cottonwood trees and tons and tons of bushes.

Question for the hive here since Im a newbie. What types of grasses, plants, bushes should I plant to help my yet-to-be established hive?

I was thinking clover for sure but I could use some help in determining what other plants, grasses, bushes I should plant.

Thank you for your suggestions.

Best Regards,

Jeff B


Hi Jeff,

You might find this a useful resource :slight_smile:

All the best.


Thank you for the link. I will look at it this evening. Appreciate your help.


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Welcome to the forum where the best help and discussions happen! I love this place the people are nice and offer tons of wisdom and suggestions to aid in ones success.