I checked, bouble checked and triple checked that the flow frames were in their closed positions before I installed them. Now the cells are starting to fill, I find this pool of Nectar/Honey. Could it be a malfunction or am I missing something?
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Hi Phil, your bees were a bit careless in sealing the slots in the cells with wax before they stared to store the honey in them so it has leaked down into the draining chamber, I has that happen in two of my hives the first time they used the Flow Hive.
What I did was to drain the frames and the bees cleaned up any residual honey in the cells and second time round they did a perfect job of sealing the cells. I fed what I drained back to the bees which they stored again assuming it still had too much water content…
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Thank you Peter for the freed back. Looks like rain today so it’ll be a Monday afternoon project.
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