Hey Beekeepers,
It’s sprung to mind that not everyone cross pollinates, and some of you may be missing out on our informative Wednesday Live Streams on FaceBook / YouTube, depending on what platforms you access regularly.
In case you’re curious, or maybe have a bit more time at home at the moment, we do record these each week and I’ll start posting them here for you to check out if you wish.
You are also welcome to PM me with any questions you’d like included and I’ll pass them along to Cedar. He doesn’t always have time to get to all of them, but will certainly give it a crack! (We’ll try to answer any he doesn’t get to).
Here’s this week’s recording, which is a special on hive splits hosted by Cedar and his sister (and bee photographer extraordinaire) Mira - hope you enjoy it 
Hey everyone,
Here’s the recording of yesterday’s FaceBook Live, for those who weren’t able to catch it:
This week was a general Q & A session particularly geared towards newer beekeepers.
If you’ve recently started beekeeping you might like to check it out 
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Hey beekeepers,
Here is the link to yesterday’s Facebook live. This week’s session focused on shifting from Langstroth to Flow hives as we get quite a few people asking how this is done.
Hope you find it informative 
If you have any questions on how this works or need further assistance please give us a buzz…
Hey Beeks,
This week for Facebook Live Cedar focused on when it is appropriate to add or remove a super.
This is an aspect of beekeeping that we get asked about quite a bit, so I hope you’ll find the discussion useful.
As with all things beekeeping, it’s great to get a local opinion or two as well, since conditions vary.
Morning folk,
Here is the recording of yesterday’s live Q & A session with Cedar, along with a live honey harvest for your enjoyment.
Also introducing the gorgeous Frey - a long time beekeeping enthusiast and delightful new addition to our little team.
If you need further information on any of the topics discussed feel free to email us at info@honeyflow.com - we’d love to hear from you.
You probably all realise we’re big proponents of the pre-emptive split around here, but they’ve been busy bees this season and got a couple of swarms in already… one of our office hives swarmed just in time for our FaceBook Livestream this week, so here is it, along with live Q & A session with Cedar.
Enjoy folk - and please yell out if you have any questions at all 
Hey beekeepers,
This week’s FaceBook Live Q & A with Cedar involved a live honey harvest on a beautiful spring day here at the Flow office, and of course plenty of questions from the Flow community.
Here’s the link if you’d like to check it out…
Hi All,
This is last week’s livestream on inspecting foundationless frames - I was off sick last week so sorry it’s a little beelated 
I look forward to sharing today’s livestream with you shortly as well, in case you’re not able to join us live (see if you can make it though - it’s a pretty cool one).
If any questions come up for you as you watch these, feel free to drop us an email… we’d love to hear from you