We are a winery in Northern Michigan looking to connect with other beekeepers using the FlowHive.
Hey, sorry for such a late reply. We were in SE Michigan until last month, but have relocated to NW Michigan just outside Traverse City! I just ordered a 3lb package of Italians with queen and should be picking them up at the end of April/early May.
We’re you successful with honey from your Flowhive last year? I wasn’t. Maybe we could talk and see what went wrong. Are your ever in the Peyoskey area? We have a wine and beer tasting room.
I was unable to operate last year due to temporary relocation in the suburbs. So we have been out of it for two years now. But the first go was successful when we did it after the product launched and we received it. Not that I was a traditionalist per say, but I wanted to provide a starter for the bees besides just the Flow Frame cells, so I painted beeswax on the frames before I introduced them to the hive. That way it just felt a little more natural to them, and also helped seal the gaps the design of the Flow Frames/cells have. One thing about bees is that they are perfectionists/mild Aspergers in a sense. I will be back in town next week for about 2 months and would love to get together! We just moved in the area, so connecting with people is a huge bonus for us too!
And my apologies for another late reply. The website isnt sending me notifications…
I also painted beeswax on that cells hoping that would take care of their reluctance to putting honey in the flow frames. I’m always on the farmer in the tasting room seven days a week. It would be great to get together let me know what day is good.
Sounds great! The troubleshooting can take a while. Some do well and others not so much. But we’ll figure it out for you! And this year will be different! I’m shocked they didn’t store any for you
Hi. We are in the Cadillac area. Great to see that others are using the Flow Hive in Michigan.