Mandyam Srinivasan on birds, bees and intelligent machines

Have not yet listened to this but sounds interesting and it’s to do with bees.

Yeah, that was fantastic. well worth listening to. There was one thing he didn’t tell Richard that would have made him go wow. It’s when a bee witnesses a waggle dance & decides to go to that location to gather the nectar, the bee only takes enough fuel to do a one way trip.

Thanks for sharing the link! Very interesting topics about bee navigation, sight and learning.

PS, I’ll never look at a sesame seed the same ever again.

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Yeah, that’s alot of brains on a bread roll :smile:

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Yes exactly:) I always had the view that a bees brain was microscopic. A sesame seed is far from microscopic. When I look at a sesame seed, I begin to think that a bees brain is quite big.