I’ve read the tips on the page because my bees don’t fill the flow boxes.
I followed all the tips and bees all they only do is propolize the flow frame.
I live in southern Argentina and this year we had good flowering and quite nectar.
The flow frame are installed painted with wax and with the breeding chamber filled with good population. And brood boxe is full.
Wath do you tecommend?
Hello Norman, the bees have propolized any gaps where there might be a draft and are using wax to seal the cells in the Flow Frames so it is time to relax and wait for an excess of nectar flow. Once they have enough nectar stored close to the brood, and that will be their priority, then they will begin filling the Flow Frame cells.
I don’t know your bush but in Australia it can be full of flowering but the flowers can be dry with little or no nectar.
It really sounds like you have done everything right.
Hiya @Garzanor, welcome to the forum. Can you post some pictures - especially if the Flow frames where you are seeing propolis? My bees began to propolize them instead of waxing when I put the super on too early, and they weren’t able to handle all the space.
For reference, your brood box should be 90% full of brood in all stages, capped stores of honey, AND bees covering the frames before a super goes on…and Peter makes a good point, sometimes there are a lot of flowers out but it’s too dry and there’s not much nectar
Thanks for your Eva and Peter responses.
The super installed it when the brood box was complete.
I send you a picture
The climate around here os very variable.
We are in summer with windy days, heat days and cool night.
The bees are disoriented I think
The bees are filling in the gap between the frames with propolis and that is totally normal behavior. The bees will store honey in the super when they want to and need the space. I know bee keepers who had no honey in their supers for a year and even two. On the other hand some have harvested after a few months, it totally depends on the availability of nectar and a strong hive of bees.
Nothing in your pic to indicate anything wrong so just let it happen and it will mate.
The big gap between the frames is caused by the wire not being seated in the recess properly. But it shouldn’t affect the overall frames being filled. But I’d check the wire tension to be certain it won’t cause any leaks further down the track.
They cells look to be getting worked. There is more work for bees to do with newly installed frames vs ones that have been used previously and that have been drawn. Patience is required for this part.
I agree with Fred and Peter, seems like the bees are busy working on waxing up the seams in the cells of your Flow frames. There is some propolis but not excessive, my bees also used it to close up the vertical gaps between each frame at the ends.
It does take some time, but once they’ve waxed it up the first time they won’t have to do much to prepare the cells thereafter!
Hi Norman, I’m sure these tips from the early responders will be sound, and you are also welcome to email customer support (info@honeyflow.com) - they will troubleshoot the issue with you and continue to support you until your bees take to the flow Frames - good luck
Hi All,
I have read the whole conversation and my bees are in same situation where brood is full
however the flow frame is empty as observed from observation windows.
Its spring season mustard and other flowers are around whole area kindly advise.

Aamir Akbar
From Pakistan(Chakwal)
Hey Aamir, no worries there - your bees are booming and starting to wax up the cells in your Flow frames! They have to seal up all the seams and extend the depth of each cell before they can start putting nectar in there. This takes some time, but is a major step in the right direction
Your bees know the super is there and they are working on it to seal the gaps before they will store honey in them. You have a strong brood box in bee numbers so it will happen in their own time, It is your time now to relax, watch and learn. With a good nectar flow happening the bees will be working 24/7 to make more space for storing the honey and when the frames are ready you will see honey in them.
When I fitted my first Flow Super it took a couple of months before I saw any honey but suddenly I could see every few days an increase of honey. Patience my friend. It will happen.
I found that my bees waxed the center of the center frames first and deposited honey in this area while they worked the outer areas of the frames and outer frames. My bees also fill the “window” section at the back of the hive reluctantly and last, it isn’t a good indication for me. Next time you inspect you could pull a flow frame or two and see what is happening in the central area.
But as the others have said, they are onto it
Thanks all for the suggestion hope the spring goes well off. Lets see.
The girls seems energetic in sunny weather of spring season.
Dear All,
Today we crack open the flowhive and checked the flow frame. We found it with quite honey in flow cells. Here below is video.
Mustard alos is in bloom so it will remain for next one month.
Thanks all for the support.
Engineer Aamir
Very exciting Aamir! You’ll be harvesting honey in no time