Native hive Removed from house , put it box , now low activity

Removed a hive and colonie from under my sink in a R.V. I put the comb and all bees (assuming the queen too because everyone stayed) inside of an old wood cabinet turned into a bee box , gave em water in a dish and honey water in another . The first day bees piled around the queen inside the box . Bees where very active , simi loud, and flying in and out of box as well as all around the box.Today the second day activities are low , little if any flying around and noise level very low . Day temps of 90f , box get morning sun and day shade . Opening is 1 1/8 in. Bottom hole facing south.

Welcome to the forum. When you say “native hive”, I’m wondering if you mean “a feral hive of European honeybees”… If so, we can help, photos are always helpful. I’m not a fan of doing what you described. That can lead to problems with hive beetles, unless the usable comb has been mounted in empty frames, then placed in a hive, so that none of the comb is resting against each other. That’s where beetles can bury into, before they start laying eggs. If it happens in multiple places, the bees might not be able to overwhelm the situation, which can lead to the colony absconding.

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On may 1st the colonie was about the size of a football and staying just above the comb(2"). On may 2nd the colonie was about the size of a soft ball and staying on the one comb out of 5 (hand size combs).
On May 2nd the bees are blocking the entrance of the box.but I noticed they are using the gap in the cabinet door as an entrance, so i.put tape over the 1in entrance hole I made .
May 3 they pushed the tape off the hole and are no longer blocking it themselves either.
The colonie is still small softball size . So I’m guessing the main colonie has taken the queen and left for a more suitable spot?
I’m still giving water and honey water just outside the box .

This pic is just after putting them in the cabinet (box) . After I stacked the combs next to each other side by side , that’s when they clustered about it and seemed to settle down and get comfortable. The next day was when I noticed the colonie was smaller and on the comb .

Is the main colony inside the box, with the small part outside the box? I doubt if the colony would abscond, leaving a softball size portion behind.

What I would do is acquire a frame half full of brood in all stages, before placing in next to the bees. Then after the frame is covered in bees, I’d place it in a bee box, flanked with other frames, with the entrance facing the rest of the colony. In 99% of the cases, the queen will be on that frame before you place it in the box, which will attract the remaining colony. While doing that, remove those other combs.
Some people will suggest to rubber band them into empty frames. Me, I just put them in my wax melt down later on.

No . From the time I moved them from the original spot in my home to the cabinet the all stayed together… started the size of a football , and the next days turned to the size of a soft ball

Seems like a lot left
But I haven’t checked at nite. Just in the late afternoon about 6 or 7

I can help with advice if you want to turn them into a thriving colony. Otherwise, leave them be to see if they build up on their own.
Is the one hive listed in your profile occupied with bees? If so, you can use resources out of that to help this feral colony out. If not, you can possibly find someone local who can sell you some.