Newbee Relocating an unwanted swarm/hive

Only new to beekeeping (Oct 2024) I decided to accept the challenge helping my friend to get rid of the bees in her backyard water fountain (into my 2nd hive). She said they had only been there a few weeks. The challenges were that I had not done this before, no one knew how the water fountain came apart and the bees had been there for way longer than few weeks. I also only brought my nuc box that I got my bees in.

Turns out it was a lot harder than I thought and it took a lot longer!

After finally getting the top off the fountain, there were far too many bees for my nuc box, Luckily my friend had some very sturdy large boxes I was able to use.

After getting the bees home and placing them into my hive I was able to fill 7 out of the 10 frames with their comb and the other 3 frames were about 1/4 full. I have checked them every week looking for the queen or signs of her and today 22 days later finally think there is a queen as there is new brood capped and larvae. No drone brood. I have started feeding them because the fat boys that came with them have tried to eat them out of house and home. All looking good at this point. I have learnt a lot and mostly that I probably won’t do it again.


Well done Novi!! :raised_hands:

Great post, the fat boys :rofl:

I once did a cut out from a huge tree trunk my husband took down and it was really not my favorite beekeeping experience either. Those bees came with tons of fat little SHBs, hiding in all the cruddy, sawdust-ridden old comb and I ended up with my first slime out.

Sounds like you got a very decent colony out of all that hard work :+1:


Thank you Eva,
And well done to you too. Sad you had a slime out, I will keep a close eye on mine now but I hear it can happen very quickly, I also haven’t seen any SHB and I I’m not really sure what they look like.
I wouldn’t have tried to get them out of a tree trunk, that looks like it would be a bit harder to me but now after the water fountain I am not so sure which would be harder and I’m not about to find out.:rofl: