My wife bought me a FlowHive for Christmas and I got a package of bees in April, although I have no beekeeping experience. I put the bees and queen cage in the bee box in the beginning of April and have been giving them time to build out their comb in the bee box. 7 weeks later, I just did my first hive inspection and found that although I pushed all of the frames together, leaving the gaps on the outside, the honey comb is connected between all of the frames. I tried to gently remove some of them but I could see the comb starting to rip so I just stopped. There are so many bees in my bee box that I can barely see down into it… There are also a few hundred bees up in the super so I suppose they are putting pollen into the Flow Frames. I do have a queen separator in between the bee box and the super so I know the queen is still down below. I am in a panic because all of my frames are connected by comb and would love some advice if you can give me any?
Thank you,