New hive, new nuc, ...problem debris?

So here’s an update to my false start with the chalkbrood nuc…

Forrest the nuc supplier came Wednesday evening and took the sick bees in the original nuc and installed a new set of 5 frames. I did a hive inspection today (3 days after installation) to get a baseline for this new colony and everything looked great. Saw the queen, lots of capped brood cells with a solid pattern. Saw lots of eggs and watched the queen lay a few before we put that frame back. Interestingly, they have already drawn 1/3 frame of new comb on two different foundationless frames and the queen was on one of them and laying in the brand new comb. So they really got to work quickly! I think I’m finally off to a good start with my new hive!


Kudos to Forrest!

Well done to you too. Great photos, superb observations and labeling of your findings. You are going to be a fantastic beekeeper!


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Well done Scott! Excellent documentation and a great learning experience for us other new beekeepers.