Newbie in Las Vegas, scared but excited!


I am brand new to this and trying to learn a whole lot. I live in Las Vegas and have just acquired a nuc. I am really excited to get started but afraid that I will mess up and ruin everything. I feel like I need a mentor! I have read many posts and I appreciate all the insight and knowledge from this group. Thanks for sharing.



Hello Dawn,

Welcome. Please let us know how we can help you. I strongly suggest that you join a local bee club to help you with overcoming your fears.

Warm regards,



Welcome to the exciting world of bee keeping and welcome to the forum where you will get lots of good advise. I agree with @Dawn_SD about joining a local bee club where you can get more advise especially in relation to your climate and conditions. Remember when you post a question you could get good advise from someone in another climate so it may not apply to your location.
Bees will tolerate minor mess ups in their stride but as a beginner join the local club, don’t be afraid to ask for advise or help, We all started out as beginners and start climbing the ladder of knowledge and nobody will claim they know it all, there is always something to think about as things change.

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Thank you! I have found a local bee group and joined. Even just looking at the pictures posted have helped me. I look forward to learning a lot from everyone.


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