No bees in the flow frames at all after three weeks

They look fine. They should build up nicely but they are far too small to have a Flow super on. Those biscuit coloured cells in the last three frames but one are brood cappings and the last frame has some larvae in it. Good luck :slight_smile:

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I agree with the rest of the mob, it all looks good. Is your hive tool steel? A handy gadget/tool to have is a magnet on the end of a flexible wand. I often find mine to be very useful on occasions.

The bees will move up into the honey super in their own good time.

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I generally find my hive tools using a lawn mower or whipper snipper :smile:


I agree with all the other, all looks good.
Just a note, I checked my hive at the end of January, no bees in the super, checked again in mid Feb - still no bees.
I then harvested on frame of honey last Saturday as all the Flow frames were either full or about 90% full. The bees will move at their own pace, we just have to be patient.

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More kind words and good advice. It’s a learning thing.

I might try the magnet idea. I think it’s at the bottom of the brood box. I don’t mow grass thank goodness.

I’ve taken the super off now. I’ll let them settle in for winter and get themselves ready.

Thanks all <3