So, it seems the bees are busy filling the flow frames (yay!). Two weeks ago there was nothing and the bees had just started to fill the gaps. Today, all but one of the flow frames have honey to varying degrees!
You couldn’t see the honey from any of the inspection windows because of how they are filling the frames, but it is there…
I’ve got a hybrid super I’m going to put onto the hive in the coming weeks. If you look at the first photo you might notice a regular frame I have with the flow frames. I removed one of the flow frames to assist with managing the hive and cycling frames. Once I get the hybrid super on I will use that to help manage the hive/brood and keep the flow super dedicated to flow frames.
Unfortunately during inspection today I slightly damaged one of the frames (drone cells) in the brood box. If anyone is interested in seeing the images of bee larvae during development (normally capped cells) take a look at the pics I posted to the Thread - Bee Photos…