As usual I went to but some Langstroth full depth frames and saw what was an improvement on what I have been using to decap my honey frames for extracting.
But like so much that is manufactured they didn’t ask the end user for his/her thoughts on making the product. So what I have is the plastic ‘tray’ which when the gate is opened and drained still has about 7 litres of honey.
Not good enough for me so I’m thinking of fitting/Aralditing/some how fitting an elbow into the bottom of the tray then fitting a gate to the elbow. I’m open to thoughts about how to secure the elbow to the catching tray, even plastic ‘welding’ is an option. A 6 pack of beer to the best answer that I will enjoy drinking for you…
Cheers, and yes, my kitchen at home is still my de-capping and honey extracting room:grinning:
Hi Peter, do you have a half moon bowl scraper? I would just lift the container up with one hand & scrape the honey out with the other hand holding the bowl scraper. Or can you close the gate before turning the container on it’s side before scraping the honey out from one top side or corner.
That is how I drained it last night to get it all out but I was thinking there must be a better way of doing it. a bit less muscle and less risk of a spill.
A week ago I dropped a box of super on a hive making a double super thinking the bees would clean it up moving the honey down into the hives super which was about 50% capped. Wrong!!! That super is fully capped as is the bottom super when I checked today. Glad I went down to Morayfield last week and bought new boxes that are assembled and painted now.
I didn’t take my shopping list with me so had to go to the ‘scoundrel’ today for the wood-ware to make frames that were "Glad Wrapped’ in to 20 units per pack. In the inside was legs with knots that wouldn’t stand up to wiring tension without breaking. Yes, they were only on the inside so I figure he knew what he was wrapping and my guess they were made in China like most of his stuff he sells. He has really cheesed me off now and lost a customer.
So for those in SE Queensland, Australia my preferred supplier of gear is Burnett Beekeeping Supplies at the Morayfield branch where once I was supplied a plastic honey gate minus the “O” ring but I made do with a bead of silicone but sent them an email too, No questions asked or notice to me they posted me another complete honey gate express post. They are an hour+ drive away. Another beekeeping supplier is 15 minutes drive away whose attitude is “buyer beware”. Guess where I prefer to spend my money…
could you build a type of hinge/brace thing where when you get down to that last 7kgs, you just pull the container forward to 45 degrees- and have something that holds it there while the last of the honey pours out?
for my six pack I think I would like some Dark Ale…
Hey Jack, do you mean like hinging the two front legs to lower the gate, that might work as there is plenty of height to still fit a pail and strainer under the honey gate. My concern would be if that weakened the leg and allowed it to get wonky. Maybe some cross bracing would fix it.
I have thought of a few ideas and think I’m procrastinating too much about it.
Thanks for your input, much appreciated mate.
I didn’t mean the legs so much as just the container- if you you pulled it towards you until it was at 45 degrees sitting on its edge- and then had some way of holding it there (a stick?)? Could be a simple solution?
Hi Peter, I don’t think I’ll ever find out what that bloke looks like, unless he comes to me to buy something.
I thought I’d pass on these photos. I know you already know what I’m talking about. I made the scraper from an old bucket lid, using an angle cutter/sander.
Peter if I’m taking an educated guess the ‘scoundrel’ is a little west of you? Where did you buy the uncapping station and how much was it? I see there are various similar ones around but a little hesitant in paying nearly $400 for them. Reckon I could scrounge around the place for something close but workable. As a suggestion with the draining…a few blocks of wood under the other end would drain lots and then you could scrape the remnants. I’ve learnt via the 'Jeff Herriot School of Making Do At Little Cost"
Thanks for the pics Jeff and well done Wilma in taking them. Maybe I have been trying to over engineer my thinking and simple might be the best way. Thanks for taking the time mate.
Off thread, how often have you seen AFB, I was way back told of a hive on a site but can’t recall now even given the opportunity of sighting the frames. I remember it being carried out of the apiary and doused with some fuel and set fire. I don’t recall if the disease was stopped in it’s tracks or if there were more hive losses on the site. I’m sure today the situation would be handled differently.
You educated guess is spot on Alan. It cost me $360 and a lot better than my previous set up in much reducing cleaning up time which is inevitable in the wee hours of the night so I can get to make my coffee first up in the mornings. My house keeper loves the de-capper too; if that counts. My de-capping and extraction room is my kitchen. Frame making is my lounge room and the storage area in my dining room - so I’m never too far from my job.
Jeff has a wonderful way of uncomplicating issues with simple fixes and his advice is based on proven personal experience. I like his approach to beekeeping.
Cheers Alan
I saw those afb affected frames you’re referring to. All I know is that the brood didn’t look healthy. I think every beekeeper should have an understanding of healthy brood. That way unhealthy looking brood stands out as soon as we see it. Brood riddled with chalk brood also looks unhealthy. Once we see unhealthy brood, it’s our job/responsibility to investigate it.
It doesn’t matter if someone only has one hive, that person should become familiar with healthy looking brood in all stages.
Very wise words Jeff. Unfortunately some people rush into bee keeping and ignore the basics like knowing how to be a responsible bee keeper and not knowing when they are in deep ‘doo doo’ to ask for some help, or often when it is too late. which is available. I have typed more but keep deleting it, but some peoples attitude to their interest and hobby of bee keeping is pretty sad.
regarding cappings: I heard an interesting story this week- a beekeeper on Kangaroo Island has taken to simply jarring all his capping and selling them as 'Honey Cappings"… Amazingly he sells all he can make. He says to customers that they are perfect for serving with cheese.
Now to me- that’s go to be a very clever and simple way of dealing with wax cappings…
What a fantastic idea! You could even sell them as “crushed comb honey”. Seriously though, cappings are some of the thinnest and freshest wax in the hive, so why waste it if people like the texture? Very clever idea.
Thanks Martha, my honey not only looks good but tastes great too.
I love beekeeping, it sort of keeps some sanity in my life and keeps me busy. Made some great friends with a common interest in bees also.