So, Time to Remove Entrance Reducer?

Apparently the girls think the the nifty entrance reducer I made has too small an entrance.

Turn this video up. You can hear them gnawing away at it.

Given this behavior, is it okay to remove it?

Maybe just make the gap wider. Clearly that’s what they are trying to do. But they may not be strong enough yet to deal with a full entrance

They do look a little congested - great video, by the way! I agree with Adam, I would make the gap wider, perhaps 4 to 6 times wider - should still be easy for them to defend.

Jape, I think your last two posts wound up on the wrong thread.

That is in no way a traffic jam. Leave them alone until they are actually piling up at the entrance. Too small is always better than too large.

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Thank you. They sure are gnawing the heck out of that.

If it makes you feel better, you could enlarge it and then reduce it with cardboard that would be easier for them to chew…

I’ll enlarge it just a little since they’re gnawing downward on the hive itself.