Solar Wax Melter- very handy! The Bees Knees in fact!

My oven thermometer said 300°F so yes 150°C. I have only the product as thermal mass in the melter and am thinking if I increase the mass I may be able to bring those temps down.
I used water in the bowl also and it didn’t boil off but that’d be a pressure/temp thing beneath the wax. Once solidified in the melter there was no cracking.

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Hmm, yesterday was very hot- around 34c- and after I finished melting wax I put a cover over the melter so it did’t keep cooking. In the evening I removed my wax and it also had no cracks and is very clean- though the colour is not the very bright yellow I have sometimes gotten.I think that’s partly down to some of the wax being low quality, old and from brood combs. I have made wax from virgin honeycomb and it was bright yellow and perfect- almost fake looking. I think when you make it from crushed honeycomb the honey stains it yellow?

Seeing how deep your melter is- and how hot it gets- it would be perfect for cooking in! Double as a solar oven.

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If you have some water in the wax collecting tray the honey should separate from the wax and mix in the water. I have done 3 of 1.2 kilo blocks and have got 3 different colors, I put that down to where in the hive it has come from and the age of the comb but the color doesn’t set the price, it is the cleanliness that does that.
You sound well please with the wax melter come meal cooker… :grin: