Hi all,
Got my nuc in Feb 22 so this is my first Spring (Sydney, Australia).
Checked the hive beginning of August to check they overwintered well and numbers were ok, outer two frames (8f brood box) drawn but no bees.
Three weeks later I checked again and population had grown, all frames covered with bees. I put the flow super on for the first time this day. Checked them again about 3 weeks later and they were doing some work in the super, but not a huge amount. Population still looked strong and no sign of queen cells.
Three weeks later I checked again. No bees had really been seen in the super the previous two weeks. Population still looked good, but noticed 4 sealed queen cells on the outer edges of frame. No eggs seen, but larvae and capped brood. Saw the queen for the first time, but it actually may have just emerged from a cell while inspecting and been a new queen. Someone up the road from me reported a swarm in their yard a day or two earlier, so I’m thinking it may have been mine
I left one queen cell and removed the others. I put two fresh frames of foundation in the brood and lifted two brood frames up into the flow super to a) give more space and b) try and encourage them up into the flow.
5 days later and they’ve just swarmed/cast swarmed today. Thankfully yesterday I bought a spare nuc which I set up with some attractant just in case they swarmed again and they are currently bearding on the outside.
We just bought another hive to be ready to do a split so I can put this swarm in there. How long should I wait before I transfer them into the new larger box?
With the existing hive, I’m getting mixed advice regarding adding a second brood box vs leaving it as a single and just managing better. And how else do I give them more room if they won’t go up into the flow?
I do have a spare ideal I can put on, but I can’t help but feel like giving them more space is only detracting them away from using the flow super?