Too cool ! Check this out


Wow, wow and wow, that is amazing - no suit, no protection that is unreal. Thanks for sharing @Sambees I absolutely loved it :slight_smile: :open_mouth:

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That was fun to watch - such a massive swarm!! Swarms are usually pretty docile tho, since they don’t have a hive to defend and are just focused on sticking together til they get there :wink:


What was the impressive part of the video? The part where all the bees marched towards the entrance? If the bloke had hang the queen on a branch, the bees would have flown to it. Because the queen was on the ground, so to speak, the bees marched towards her. Why fly, when you can walk.

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@JeffH There were numerous parts that were impressive but the bees marching towards the hive entrance would have to be my favourite. As newbie I have never seen this before. I have read where if you can catch the queen then the rest of the hive will follow but not like this :slight_smile:


I agree Karen, it IS impressive to see so many bees, not walking or marching, literally running towards the queen.

You can see that on a smaller scale if you want to add some nurse bees to a weak colony. Simply shake all the bees from brood frames (minus the queen) onto the ground. The flying bees will return to their hive, leaving the nurse bees clumped on the ground. All you do then is put the weak colony next to the bees on the ground, they will almost instantly march into the entrance, where they’ll be accepted, because they are nurse bees, not foraging bees.

The nurse bees don’t even have to be from the same colony. You could shake for example: 2 frames from one colony & 2 frames from another colony into the same spot.

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