Varroa treatment, yes or no

Hi. I had a bad experience last year (my first year with bees) where the hive, which I got from a friends storm drain in September, initially thrived but then died out after a truly horrific wet December/Jan. The queen was the last of a small group of bees and she disappeared. The left overs look like they had been victims of mites. Anyway, my chances were pretty slim to begin, so I was told,with and the local beekeeper reckoned it must have been an old queen to boot. He is bringing me a nuc this week end and I was wondering if I should preemptively spray them with oxalic treatment? I find it difficult to understand him because it is very Portuguese and it is difficult to grasp at the best of times. He isn’t technologically inclined either - no internet etc. The weather is becoming warm - 20 degrees C and the fruit trees are all starting to flower so I expect there will be good forage. I guess I am nervous that another horrid experience is waiting and perhaps the varroa treatment couldn’t hurt?

If it is a nucleus, I would give them a week or two to settle before doing any treatment. After that, as you probably remember, my preferred method now is the oxalic acid sponges. Sprays are not commonly used in most parts of the world, except for some producers of package bees (different from a nucleus).

Wishing you much luck and a good experience! :blush:

Thanks Dawn, will do

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