Video: Oxalic Acid Vaporization

Treated the girls to a treatment today.
Hope you enjoy the video. This is 1080p so go full screen :slight_smile:

Oh, one thing, the wand had a tough time fitting into the Flow Hive. There isn’t a lot of clearance between the screened bottom board and the frames. I recommend cleaning ALL burr comb from the bottom of the frames lest you somehow burn the wax and cause a fire.

Next round I may try through the rear where the corflute slides in.

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Much better that way. It’s how I do it

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@Bobby_Thanepohn I take the corflut/correx board off and Vape from Underneath - Less messing, less disturbance to the Bees

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I’ll look it up @Cowgirl.

Okay, I am so new at beekeeping what are you treating for. What is this post to help prevent? Do bees die with this treatment?

If I need to be doing this where do I buy the equipment and is there other treatment ways? Or is this a very unique way

Varro[quote=“Martydallas, post:6, topic:6605”]
what are you treating for

Varroa Mites

Prevents the haemolymph-sucking, disease-spreading boogers from gaining a strong foothold in the hive. This process will be repeated every 5-7 days 2 more times. It will be done again in the fall.

3 (that I saw) seemed to have cooked :frowning:

Too many to count - mite strips, liquid applications, sugar rolls, etc.

Not unique at all.

I’ll check to see what the mite drop is later today to determine whether an additional treatment is needed.

Here is a very thorough study on the topic and treatment methods.

"Our conclusions are simple. The sublimation method is the best in all respects. It results in Varroa mortality that is as high as the trickling and spraying methods, but at lower oxalic acid doses. It gives the highest colony survival four months later, in Spring, and results in colonies with significantly more brood than untreated control colonies or colonies treated by trickling or spraying.

Based on these results we recommend that beekeepers do not use the trickling or spraying methods. In particular, the spraying method harms colonies and results in significantly lower colony survival over the next four months compared to sublimation. A bonus of the sublimation method is that the hive does not need to be opened for application, and it is generally the quickest method, taking about three minutes per hive. Most of the time is taken waiting for all the oxalic acid to sublimate, which takes a few minutes for 2.25g."

With trickling or spraying methods the bees ingest the syrup and many consider that repeated applications harm the excretory system.
With sublimation the crystals actually destroy the mites feet and mouthparts. In the presence of brood you have to repeat it every five days (7 is too long an interval) for a whole brood cycle… So three times should do it
Oxalic acid is the chemical used. You don’t have to be that precise in the dose. Within a gram is ok

Not sure I am following. Are you suggesting the Vaporization is not a good Method? Is there a more natural method or is this the best solution? A little confused

Marty this is a language issue. Vape is the same as sublimation in this case

I need to stress that this is what I’ve chosen to do solely so that I personally know all’s well as far as one can define “all’s well.”

By no means is this advice to run out and go vape your hives, rather do whatever your mentors advise or what you feel is best based on what you can learn.

I have brood in my hives which means I’ll have to repeat this process 3 times at 5 day intervals for these treatment to have a marked effect. Typically this should be done when a hive has little to no brood like in the fall or when it is a new package.

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LOL, I get it. I was not taking what you said a must do :slight_smile:

I installed my NUC March 12 and my second Brood box April 10 or so. They are doing GREAT. I did not think about Mite’s at this time. But I am know. I do have hive beetles and have a trap and it looks like it working as designed for there were several in there.

THANK you for this info Please keep it up will keep reading watching and learning

Here’s a photo of just some of the first 24 hour’s mite drop.

Nasty little boogers aren’t they?
I do love seeing all the chewed cell cappings, Means new girls on the team!

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Do you see the wax scales as well ?

I certainly did :wink:
Lots of interesting bits on a bottom board.

Martydallas, you can buy Apistan Strips to treat for Varroa mites as well. It takes about 5 minutes to install them in a box. You leave strips in for about 6-8 weeks and as the bees walk over them the medicated strips gets circulated inside the hive. No worries on harming bees. These are to be done before or after the flow season.

Natural left the building as soon as we stuck bees in a box, asked them to store honey in plastic frames, and then stole that honey from them lol.

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Did a second round at 6 days and then 24 hours later checked the corflute. About 60 mites dropped.

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do you still recommend this on the my hives you saw the vid on yesterday Bobby?

I can’t recommend treatment @Chet_Calhoun. You have to determine whether your bees are carrying a mite load that warrants it first.

I am sure they are in need of treatment Bobby.