Went to collect two nucs, beekeeper kindly gifted me two full beehives - more than I bargained for. Question is how to integrate with Honeyflow

concerning the slope for the flow frame extraction: there is no problem with putting some wedges at the front of the hive and leaving them there permanently. It is important to keep the hive perfectly level from side to side so that the frames hang straight down (especially when the bees are drawing out foundationless combs- they use gravity to guide them and if the hive is tilted to one side all the combs will be too)- but it doesn’t matter if the frames are tilted lengthwise. Also you can put in a bit more of an angle than the angle built into flow hive bases- that helps the honey to drain out faster. This is especially good if your honey is very thick like mine is. Last time I harvested it took more than 4 hours for all the honey to drain out. I have put permanent wedges under my flow hives to increase the angle by a few more degrees.

Concerning the bees and the flow frames: I believe that rubbing wax helps give them the idea- but that the most important thing is that the bees have enough spare nectar to need to use the super. I have had bees fill out supers without rubbing any wax on them- and I have also rubbed wax on the frames and the bees have still ignored them until they are good and ready. The frames can sit unused for months- and then suddenly fill up when the bees have built up enough and get onto a good nectar flow.

EDIT: see below- what I wrote is more relevant to hives with screened bottoms.

I just get a little concerned leaving the wedges in on a standard hive with a solid bottom because of the possibility of water coming in the front and pooling in the hive. The commercial keepers here always seem to make sure that the front of the hive slopes so water drains off out the front of the hive.

yes that’s a good point- I hadn’t though of that- on hives with solid bottom that could well be an issue. All of my hives have screened bottoms… and the hives I built myself have overhanging roofs to keep rain off the entrances.

Looks like those Italian hives have pretty good ‘rain porches’ but still. Also I wonder what the little bent wire latches on the Italian hive porches are for (see pics above)? maybe adding another piece of wood to further protect the entrances?

I guess if you were going to have them tilted then you might need to put some drainage holes at the rear of the base.

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@semaphore I have pasted a link which details more about what I think are Swiss Entrances

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