Bugger! Newby at bees and left it too long to put flowhive on top of brood box. They built right up to roof and filled it with delicious honey. Battled to get lid off and was able to take half the honeycomb in the lid but still left heaps behind. Put lid back on but most of the bees have come outside, I guess because there is honey dripping down from roof. Lots of honey. Hope Queen doesn’t get smothered. Any suggestions on next step? My plan was to wait a couple of days and go back in and clean up some more or should I just put the flow hive on and let them fix it?
I would take that roof off quickly and clean away all the honeycomb. Then get ready to put your flow box on. Make sure you check all your flow frames and turn each one at least once, key in the top slot.
You really ought to check your brood box properly too. See if you can get help.
People often put a sheet of vinyl ontop of the frames below the lid to reduce the risk of this happening. Were you using the pitched roof or a flat roof?
If you have the full flow hive, when you put the flow super put the coverboard on top of the flow super. Then cover the hole in the coverboard with a piece of wood to prevent them from getting into the pitched roof space and then put the pitched roof on top.
Good idea to make sure your wires are tight on the Flow Frames, there are Vids on how to do it, its easy.
Did that this morning. Will wait a week or so and check brood box. Lots of bees so it’s a strong hive. Already in Flowhive working.Thanks for advice
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http://forum.honeyflow.com/users/brucelonsdale BruceLonsdale
February 21
Good idea to make sure your wires are tight on the Flow Frames, there are Vids on how to do it, its easy.