When exactly to add brood box in NW Florida?

I have searched the forum for details clarification on my question but no luck. So, here goes: I am at the one month mark with my two new hives. There are 5-6 frames in each box with good brood and and honey on them. Most of them are in the classic “sunset” (as I call it) pattern. Brood on bottom of frames and Honey at the top of them.

I just replaced four waxed plastic foundation frames in each box with foundation-less, placing them between the built on frames. My ultimate goal is to convert to all foundation-less for all of the benefits that are touted. I want to build my brood at first (right?). So I am not anticipating harvesting any honey this year at all (Or could I?).

So, when do I add another brood box? Or do I need to? I have seen other posts that suggest I don’t need to in the south.

Should it be placed on top of the existing one or underneath?

And when I do, should I go ahead and place the queen excluder over the top one and go ahead and add the Flow Frames?

If not, when should I add frames for honey?

in warmer climates it may not be needed but the additional workforce may be good to get even more honey during flows (its how we do it in the north, Alaska) they’ve said once they fill 70-80%. so in an 8 frame hive once they fill the 6th frame on both sides and have the outside frames mostly done on one side (you can flip them to make sure they finish the outside frames) then you can add the second. But as you said the south with its mild winters shouldn’t need a second brood box. (its mostly for stores in the longer winters in the north) Put the excluder on on top of the brood box but below the flow frames. If you’re adding a second brood box don’t add the excluder until the second brood box is full and you’re adding the flow frames. It will go below the flow frames and on top of the second brood box which goes on top of the first box the bees are in now. Remember they like to go up.

I’ve seen people smear or even paint on wax from their scrapings off the frames onto the flow frames (very thin coat on top) to encourage the bees to expand up and use them. I’d say try the flow frames first and see how they take to them. But don’t expand too soon as they like to go up and may not draw out the rest of the frames in the brood box.

Hi Robert,
No need to have 2 brood boxes unless this is a necessity for your area, such as really cold winters. I think you’ll be fine with one, do consider having a second box for honey storage over winter or a dearth in the nectar flow (such as a medium). There is a a lot of discussion on the best time to add a Flow super as many people are disheartened when the bees don’t seem interested. Time to add a Flow super is much the same as adding a normal super, there are certain conditions and you need to think like a bee and take notice of the flowering plants in your area as this will dictate when the nectar flow will be coming into the hive. Take a look at my earlier post on this very subject a short time ago.

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