Home made Pest Deterrents and Termination

Pest: Ants

There are a variety of ant deterrents that beekeepers may choose to use.

I tried moats, cinnamon till my front yard smelled like a bakery, Vaseline on the stand legs, vegetable oil in coffee cans etc. None of it worked, ever, to keep ants away.
So I invented my own solution and yes it includes ant killer. I cut #8 hardware cloth into a circle that fits on top of a mason jar. I put a plastic Terro Liquid Ant Bait in the mason jar with the bait opening against the bottom of the jar. Put the hardware cloth on and the metal canning ring to hold it on tight. I place the mason jar next to the stand leg the ants are climbing up on. Mission accomplished, no more ants.

I also tip the opening of the jar up a little bit to ensure the liquid does not run out. I use a brick to pin the jar to keep it from rolling.

What other ideas do you have for keeping ants out of your hives?