Bees Dead in Multifunctional Tray

Hi All,

I cleaned out the multifunctional tray yesterday and checked it this AM. To my surprise there were a bunch of bees dead in it. I’ve never seen this before. I thought they couldn’t get into this space. Thoughts/Theories?

Andy from Baltimore, MD

All I can think of is that the bees got inside the cavity while the tray was out. Then they died of exhaustion while trying to get out.

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I have one more suggestion to add. Several Flow hive 2 owners have noticed bees chewing the wood around the screen in the bottom board, making a hole big enough for bees to get into the tray. I would take the brood box off and check the edge of the screen to make sure that there aren’t any gaps. :wink:


Hi All
I have the something, I find two or three bees in the tray each time I check the tray. The last two times I looked I checked to make sure there were no bees under the screen above the tray and still found three bees in the tray. next week when do an inspection on he brood box to make sure the screen is fitted right and there are no holes in the wood.